investor to investor

We are investors. We prefer to speak of clients as our Partners. So, we approach assets and risk with you, on the same side of the table as a Partner would. We understand publicly-traded assets and the illiquidity and complexity of private assets. As managers of hedge funds and private equity investors, we have the experience to advise Partners on their investments - liquid and illiquid.


All portfolios benefit from fresh eyes and ideas. In consultation with our Partners, we work to increase return. Enhanced return does not necessarily mean heightened risk. In fact, it may mean reducing risk and flattening volatility.


The mantra of the passive investment movement is lower fees. Yet, so many of our Partners have expensive products in branded high fee wealth management structures. We can help lower the embedded costs of these relationships or advise our Partners on transitioning assets to true low fee products. You can retain your existing custodial relationships, but we can help improve the total amount kept.